EnNuVi on potato in The Netherlands

Field trials

EnNuVi on potato in The Netherlands

A new update from the Netherlands, where we are carrying out a special on-field trial on potato plants.

The aim of the test is to prove the ability of FertiGlobal’s EnNuVi technology to help plants better reacting to external stress factors. The heavy rains of last year, in fact, have made these plants weaker and less resistant to typical seasonal diseases.

➡️ Have a look at these impressive photos showing the first results achieved thanks to EnNuVi.

These pictures tell us a lot about the extraordinary power of our ecofriendly plant nutrition technology. The difference is stunning: leaves are visibly greener and stronger.

We can’t wait to see the healthy and tasty potatoes that are about to grow.🥔


EnNuVi on potato in The Netherlands
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