LIFE ENVision project for a sustainable agriculture

From lab to farm fields

LIFE ENVision project for a sustainable agriculture

Bringing highly advanced technology directly to farm fields:
this is what we do thanks to our worldwide patented biostimulant EnNuVi.

The benefits of this technology embrace both plants, farmers and our Planet as a whole:

🌿 EnNuVi is able to enhance plants’ growth from seed germination to maturity;
💪 naturally increase their resistance to external stress factors;
🍎 enlarge the lifecycle of crops, promoting better harvests and improving yield productivity;
♻️dramatically reduce the use of harmful pesticides;
💦decrease water consumption;
🌱improve soil fertility.

For all these reasons, the European Union has recognized the value of our EnNuVi technology. Our #ENVisionProject, aimed at revolutionizing the global agriculture sector thanks to EnNuVi, has been funded by the LIFE Programme.

Want to learn more on the project?
Follow us in this website.

LIFE ENVision project for a sustainable agriculture
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